Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Links Ideas Together in French With Conjunctions
Links Ideas Together in French With Conjunctions Introduction to French Conjunctions Conjunctions provide a link between similar words or groups of words, such as nouns, verbs, people and things. There are two types of French conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating.à 1. Coordinating conjunctions join words and groups of words with an equal value. à à Jaime les pommes et les oranges.I like apples and oranges. à à à Je veux le faire, mais je nai pas dargent.I want to do it, but I dont have any money. 2. Subordinating conjunctions join dependent clauses to main clauses. à à Jai dit que jaime les pommes.I said that I like apples. à à à Il travaille pour que vous puissiez manger.He works so that you can eat. French Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions join words and groups of words of equal value thatà have the same nature or the same function in the sentence. In the case of individual words, this means that they must be the same part of speech. If theyre clauses, they must be similar or complementary tenses/moods. These are frequently used French coordinating conjunctions: carà à for, becausedoncà à soensuiteà à nextetà à andmaisà à butorà à now, yetouà à orouà bienà à or elsepuisà à then ExamplesJaime les pommes, les bananesà età les oranges.I like apples, bananas,à andà oranges.- Pommes,à bananes, andà orangesà are all fruits (nouns). à à à Veux-tuà allerà en Franceà ouà enà Italieà ?Do you want to go to Franceà orà Italy?- Franceà andà Italyà are both places (nouns). à à Ceà nestà pas carrà ©Ã maisà rectangulaire.Its not squareà butà rectangular.- Carrà ©Ã andà rectangulaireà are both adjectives. à à Je veux le faire,à maisà je nai pas dargent.I want to do it,à butà I dont have any money.- Jeà veuxà leà faireà andà jeà naià pasà dargentà are presentà tense. à à Fais tes devoirs,à puisà lave la vaisselle.Do your homework,à thenà wash the dishes.- Faisà tesà devoirsà andà lave laà vaisselleà are both commands. Note:à French children learn the mnemonic Mais oà ¹ està doncà Ornicarà ?à to help them remember the most common French coordinating conjunctions- mais,à ou,à et,à donc,à or,à nià andà car. Repeated Coordinating Conjunctions Certain French coordinating conjunctions can be repeated in front of each of the joined items for emphasis: et...età both...andne...ni... nià neither...norou...ouà à either...orsoit...soità à either...or à à à Jeà connaisà età Jean-Paulà età son frà ¨re.I knowà bothà Jean-Paulà andà his brother.- Jean-Paulà andà son frà ¨reà are both people (nouns). Note that for the negative coordinating conjunctionà ne...ni...ni, the wordà neà goes in front of the verb, just like theà neà in otherà negative structures. French Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions join dependent (subordinate) clauses to main clauses. A dependent clause cannot stand alone because its meaning is incomplete without the main clause. In addition, sometimes the dependent clause has a verb form that cannot stand alone. There are some frequently used French subordinate conjunctions: commeà à as, sincelorsqueà à whenpuisqueà à since, asquandà à whenqueà à thatquoique*à à even thoughsià à if *Note thatà quoiqueà must be followed by theà subjunctive.*For subordinating conjunctions likeà afinà queà andà parceà que, seeà conjunctive phrases. ExamplesJai dità queà jaimeà lesà pommes.I saidà thatà I like apples.The main clause isà jaià dit. What did I say? Jaimeà lesà pommes.à Jaimeà lesà pommesà is incomplete withoutà jaià dit. I might not in fact like apples, but I said that I did. à à à Commeà tuà nesà pas prà ªt,à jyà iraià seul.Sinceà youre not ready, Ill go alone.The main clause isà jyà iraià seul. Why will I go alone?à Becauseà tuà nesà pas prà ªt. The idea here is not that I want to go alone, but the fact that I will go aloneà sinceà youre not ready. à à Sià je suis libre, je tamà ¨nerai laà ©roport.Ifà Im free, Ill take you to the airport.The main clause isà je tamà ¨nerai laà ©roport. Is this guaranteed? No, onlyà sià jeà suisà libre. If something else comes up, I cant take you. à à Jaià peurà quandà il voyage.I am scaredà whenà he travels.The main clause isà jaià peur. When am I scared? Not all the time, onlyà quandà il voyage. Soà jaià peurà is incomplete without the juxtapositionà quandà il voyage. French Conjunctive Phrases A conjunctive phrase is a group of two or more words that function as a conjunction. French conjunctive phrases usually end inà que,à and most are subordinating conjunctions. conditionà que*à à provided thatafinà que*à à so thatainsià queà à just as, so asalorsà queà à while, whereasà mesureà queà à as (progressively)à moinsà que**à à unlessaprà ¨sà queà à after, when supposerà que*à à assuming thatauà casà oà ¹Ã à in caseaussità ´tà queà à as soon asavantà que**à à beforebienà que*à à althoughdansà lhypothà ¨se oà ¹Ã à in the event thatdeà crainteà que**à à for fear thatde faà §onà que*à à in such a way thatde manià ¨reà que*à à so thatde mà ªmeà queà à just asdeà peurà que**à for fear thatdepuisà queà à sincedeà sorteà que*à à so that, in such a way thatdà ¨sà queà à as soon asenà admettantà que*à à assuming thaten attendantà que*à à while, untilencoreà que*à à even thoughjusquà ceà que*à à untilparceà queà à becausependantà queà à whilepourà que*à à so thatpourvuà que*à à provided thatquandà bienà mà ªmeà à even though/ifquoià que*à à whatever, no matter whatsansà que**à à withoutsità ´tà queà à as soon assupposà ©Ã que*à à supposingtantà queà as or so much as / as long astandisà queà à while, whereasvuà queà à seeing as/that *These conjunctions must be followed by theà subjunctive.**These conjunctions require theà subjunctiveà andà neà explà ©tif. ExamplesIl travailleà pour queà vous puissiez manger.He worksà so thatà you can eat.The main clause isà ilà travaille. Why does he work?à Pourà queà vousà puissiezà manger. The idea here is not that you can eat, but the fact that you can eatà becauseà he works. Another clue is thatà vousà puissiezà mangerà cannot stand alone; theà subjunctiveà is only found in subordinate clauses. à à Jai rà ©ussi lexamenà bien queà je naie pas à ©tudià ©.I passed the testà even thoughà I didnt study.The main clause isà jaià rà ©ussi à lexamen. How did I pass the test? Certainly not by studying, sinceà jeà naià pas à ©tudià ©. Soà jaià rà ©ussi à lexamenà is incomplete without the juxtapositionà bienà queà jeà naieà pas à ©tudià ©.à à à à Il està partià parceà quilà avaità peur.He leftà becauseà he was afraid.The main clause isà il està parti. Why did he leave?à Becauseà ilà avaità peur. The ideaà ilà avaità peurà is incomplete without the main clauseà il està parti.
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